T III 57
Buren e Toroni vi consigliano di non accettare più l'artista e l'arte / Buren et Toroni vous conseillent de ne plus accepter l'artiste et son art
Buren and Toroni advise you to no longer accept the artist or his work.
December 1968
Work in situ
in "Revort 2, Sesta Setimana Internazionale di Palermo” – [Manifestation 8], galleria d’Arte Moderna and théâtre de l’Opéra
Group exhibition
White and colored striped paper, each stripe 8.7 cm wide, paste
Varied dimensions.
Palermo, Italy
Green and white striped papers are pasted on the floor of a room in a museum and on the outside of the museum.
At the same time, a flier, cosigned with Niele Toroni, is distributed by being thrown from a balcony of the theatre de l'Opera, after a performance of a work by Luigi Nono.
Result: closing down of the room by the organizers.
"Buren presents some equal vertical stripes which are nothing but equal vertical stripes;
Toroni presents strokes of a paint brush, repeted at regular intervals, which are nothing but strokes of a paint brush, repeated at regular intervals.
Buren and Toroni advise you to no longer accept the artist and his work:
because the artist dreams in your place
sees in your place
because art masks reality, yours and the world's
because art is FALSE.
December 1968"
* Claura, Michel : Actualité, in VH 101, Paris : Éditions Esselier, n° 5, printemps 1971, cit. p. 41.
CollectionWork destroyed after the exhibition