T IV 34
June 1970
Work in situ
in “Daniel Buren”, [galerie] MTL
One man show
Alternating white and orange vertical striped paper, each stripe 8.7 cm. wide, paste.
Brussels, Belgium
Travail détruit après l'exposition
White and orange striped paper completely covers the inside of a display window of the gallery, a window whose front side is visible only during the day and the back side - the exterior part - both during the day and night.
In the gallery, a tract by Daniel Buren is available to the public
* 1. One's attention is drawn solely to a work, self-evidently visible, in the very context of this exhibition.
2. This work/proposition being systematically reproducible, it will be specifically different for this exhibition.
* Buren, Daniel : "La photographie recto verso…", in MTL Art/Critique, Meise : Lili Dujourie, juillet 1970, cit. et repr. n. p.
* Buren, Daniel : [Descriptions], in Discordance / Cohérence, Eindhoven : Van Abbemuseum, mars 1976, français, anglais, cit. A20, repr. p. 8.
* Buren, Daniel : "Légendes", in Daniel Buren : Photos-Souvenirs 1965-1988, Villeurbanne : Art Édition, 1988, cit. p. 286, repr. n° 49, 50
* Baudson, Michel : "Quelques photos-souvenirs de présence de Daniel Buren en Belgique depuis 1969 (suite non exhaustive)", in Daniel Buren : À chaque monstration sa place : travaux 1966-1989, Bruxelles : Galerie Isy Brachot, 1990, cit. et repr. p. 43