T IV 38
Affichage sauvage
Wild Bildsticking
June 1970
Work in situ
Montholon Square
Alternating white and rose vertical striped paper, each stripe 8.7 cm. wide, paste
Variable dimensions.
Paris, France
At the invitation of the [gallery] Wide White Space (Anvers, Belgium), to participate in the "Third International Salon of leading Galleries, Artists and discoverers of our time," which was held at the cantonal Museum of Fine Arts (Lausanne, Switzerland), work created especially for this occasion on a bulletin board surrounding Montholon Square in Paris, in the same place as in July 1969.
* Aupetitallot, Yves : "Archief/Archives" [catalogue raisonné des expositions et manifestations organisées par la Wide White Space], in Wide White Space : Achter het museum/Derrière le musée, 1966-1976, Düsseldorf : Richter Verlag, 1994, néerlandais, français, cit. p. 268, cat. 038.
CollectionWork destroyed after the exhibition