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Artwork: Affichages sauvages

T IV 103

Affichages sauvages

Wild Bildstickings

March 1971

Work in situ

Work done for the "Situation Concepts", Gallery Nàchat St. Stephan, in the city of

Group exhibition

Alternating white and blue or orange vertical striped paper, each stripe 8.7 cm. wide, paste.

Variable dimensions.

Vienna, Austria

Travail détruit après l'exposition


White and orange striped paper panels were pasted up by Perter Weiemair, without authorization, in different sites in the city chosen by the artist and white and blue striped panels were pasted up by Daniel Buren.

An artistic work that was planned to be incorporated into the catalogue, was not realized.



* Buren, Daniel : "[Les deux reproductions précédentes...]", in Situation Concepts, Vienne : Galerie Nächst St-Stephan, 1971, français, allemand, cit. n. p.