Eggshell white acrylic paint on cotton canvas woven in alternating white and green vertical stripes, each 8.7cm. (± 0.3), wide.
149.5 x 140.5 cm. (on unstretched canvas).
The last two white stripes at each edge are painted over with white paint on both the front and back sides.
Notice (8): Undefined index: mois [APP/views/artworks/view.ctp, line 90]Code |
print "<div class='expo-details'>";
print $expo['ExhibitLang']['mois']." ".$expo['annee_debut_expo'].", ";
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"acquereur_code_postal" => "",
"acquereur_email" => "",
"acquereur_id" => "",
"acquereur_nom" => "Sperone",
"acquereur_nouveau_nom_adresse" => "",
"acquereur_pays" => "Italie",
"acquereur_prenom" => "Gian Enzo",
"acquereur_rue" => "",
"acquereur_tel" => "",
"acquereur_ville" => "Turin",
"adresse_ou_rendre_oeuvre" => "",
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"continent" => "Europe",
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"d_un_avertissement" => "",
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"daniel_buren_21_rue_de_navarin_75009_paris" => "",
"daniel_buren_ou_de_ses_ayants_droit_jusqua" => "",
"datation_par_avertissement" => "",
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"date_du_depot_initial" => "",
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"date_oeuvre_1occurence_bad" => "0000-00-00",
"date_oeuvre_1occurence" => "1972-04-14",
"date_oeuvre_calculee" => "",
"date_oeuvre_reinterpretation" => "1972-04-14",
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"datee" => "",
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"depot_consenti_le" => "",
"depot_renouvele_le" => "",
"depots_successifs" => " Expo galleria 1000Eventi en janvier 2008
221.000 €",
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"n_inv_musee_coll_publique" => "",
"nbre_caisse_s_" => "",
"nota" => "Fiche technique
“Avril 1972. Tissu rayé blanc et vert. Bandes eextrêmes recouvertes de peinture blanche recto/verso.
Sans châssis largeur 140,5, hauteur 149,5”. Mention manuscrite à l’encre bille: “ Sperone”.
Carnet p. 4, Gian Enzo Sperone :
“Avril 1972, FF (non entouré), blanc et vert, L. 140,5, H. 149,5”_________________________________________________
Ancien “ Certificat d’acquisition N°...”, daté du 14/04/1972
vérif Sperone liste",
"notes_avertissement" => "",
"numero_1965_ste_croix" => "",
"numerotation_1964" => "",
"numerotation_1966" => "",
"oeuvre_acquise_aupres_de_en" => "",
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"oeuvres_exposees" => "",
"prix_de_vente_public_conseille_ttc" => "",
"prix_ht_vente_ou_assurance_conseille" => "Prix conseilé en février 2008 :21.005 cm2 = 190.000 €",
"prix_net_ttc_a_payer_a_db_en_cas_de_vente_vol_deterioration" => "",
"prix_vendu" => "",
"prix_vente_edition" => "",
"provenance" => "",
"ref_avertissement" => "FF",
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"reinterpretee_del_futur" => "O",
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"restauration" => "",
"rubrique" => "",
"sauf_demande_de_reprise_de_daniel_buren_ou_ayants_droit" => "",
"serie" => "Peinture sur toile",
"signature_de_daniel_buren_feuille_depot" => "",
"signee" => "",
"site" => "",
"t_11_1964_1966_dom_verifier" => "",
"t_xiii_r_del_futur" => "",
"telecopie_depositaire" => "",
"telephone_depositaire" => "",
"template_id_oeuvre" => "1",
"tome" => "T IV",
"tome_order" => "210",
"trad_titre_posterieur" => "",
"travail_in_situ_oeuvre_2" => "",
"tva_en_vigueur_a_ce_jour" => "",
"type_acquereur" => "Galerie",
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"v2" => "",
"villepays_calc" => "",
"is_active" => "0",
"typologie" => "",
"historique_base_non_publie" => "* 1972, 14 avril, Certificat d'acquisition n°, au nom de Gian Enzo Sperone, Turin, ré-établi avec Avertissement FF le 27.03.1973,
FF , Gian Enzo Sperone, Turin,
(Galleria1000 Eventi) Milan ?",
"use_static_biblio" => "0",
"use_dynamic_biblio" => "1",
"inventaire_musee_coll_publ_id" => "",
"oeuvre_on_catalogue" => "1",
"mot_cle_iconographique" => "",
"mot_cle_thematique" => "",
"geo" => "48.856614, 2.3522219",
"addendum" => "0",
"inventaire_eg" => "",
"certificate_dauthenticite" => null,
"date_dessin" => "0000-00-00",
"localisation_stock" => null,
"originating_folder_name" => null,
"image_file_name" => null,
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"figurative" => ""
"ArtworkLang" => array(
"id" => "3361",
"artwork_id" => "1533",
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"bibliographie" => "",
"collection" => "Gian Enzo Sperone, Turin, Italy",
"commande" => "",
"commissaire_projet_a_linitiative" => "",
"description_oeuvre_cat_rais" => "The last two white stripes at each edge are painted over with white paint on both the front and back sides.",
"dimensions_hxl" => "149.5 x 140.5 cm. (on unstretched canvas).",
"historique" => "• 1972, April, Gian Enzo Sperone, Turin, Italy",
"inscriptions_principales" => "",
"inscriptions_secondaires" => "",
"inscriptions_text" => "",
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"mois" => "April",
"oeuvre_gallery" => "",
"pays" => "France",
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"realise" => "",
"technique" => "Eggshell white acrylic paint on cotton canvas woven in alternating white and green vertical stripes, each 8.7cm. (± 0.3), wide.",
"titre_oeuvre_original" => "Peinture acrylique blanc sur tissu rayé blanc et vert",
"titre_oeuvre_posterieur" => "",
"titre_traduit" => "White acrylic paint on white and green striped cloth",
"travail_in_situ_oeuvre" => "",
"ville" => "Paris",
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"with_id" => "1533 - Peinture acrylique blanc sur tissu rayé blanc et vert"
"Exhibit" => array(
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$expo = array(
"id" => "1656",
"adresse_site" => "",
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"expo_alias_calc" => "",
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"expo_film_TV" => "",
"expo_on_web" => "Oui",
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"invitation_par_email" => "",
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"journ_expo_archive" => "",
"mois_arrivee" => "",
"mois_depart" => "",
"musique_theatre" => "",
"n_oeuvre_1" => "51",
"n_oeuvre_10" => "",
"n_oeuvre_2" => "1053",
"n_oeuvre_3" => "1523",
"n_oeuvre_4" => "1533",
"n_oeuvre_5" => "1772",
"n_oeuvre_6" => "",
"n_oeuvre_7" => "",
"n_oeuvre_8" => "",
"n_oeuvre_9" => "",
"n_ref_commentaire_1" => "E1656 - O51",
"n_ref_commentaire_10" => "E1656 - O",
"n_ref_commentaire_2" => "E1656 - O1053",
"n_ref_commentaire_3" => "E1656 - O1523",
"n_ref_commentaire_4" => "E1656 - O1533",
"n_ref_commentaire_5" => "E1656 - O1772",
"n_ref_commentaire_6" => "E1656 - O",
"n_ref_commentaire_7" => "E1656 - O",
"n_ref_commentaire_8" => "E1656 - O",
"n_ref_commentaire_9" => "E1656 - O",
"nombre_visiteurs_exposition" => "",
"nota" => "",
"notes_expo" => "",
"oeuvre_alias" => "",
"oeuvres_exposees" => "n° 1969-1772, Peinture acrylique blanche sur tissu rayé blanc et rouge, juin 1969
n° 1969-0051, Peinture acrylique blanche sur tissu rayé blanc et gris clair, octobre 1969
n° 1972-1523, Peinture acrylique blanc écru sur tissu rayé blanc et gris clair, mars 1972
n° 1972-1533, Peinture acrylique blanc sur tissu rayé blanc et vert, avril 1972,
n° 1975-1053, [Peinture en deux], juillet 1975",
"ref_exposition" => "A",
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"texte_polycopie" => "",
"type_exposition" => "Exposition personnelle",
"type_exposition_2" => "",
"type_lieu_exposition" => "Galerie",
"date_inform_debut_expo" => "2008-01-17",
"date_inform_fin_expo" => "2008-12-31",
"is_active" => "1",
"documents_exposes" => "",
"use_static_biblio" => "1",
"use_dynamic_biblio" => "0",
"expo_on_catalogue" => "0",
"geo" => "45.4654219, 9.1859243",
"ArtworksExhibit" => array(
"id" => "2550",
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"ExhibitLang" => array()
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include - APP/views/artworks/view.ctp, line 90
View::_render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 731
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Controller::render() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 909
ArtworksController::view() - APP/controllers/artworks_controller.php, line 263
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 204
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 171
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 83
Notice (8): Undefined index: titre_expo_original [APP/views/artworks/view.ctp, line 95]Code |
Context else
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"Yugoslavia" => "Yugoslavia"
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"id" => "1533",
"type" => "artwork",
"acquereur_code_postal" => "",
"acquereur_email" => "",
"acquereur_id" => "",
"acquereur_nom" => "Sperone",
"acquereur_nouveau_nom_adresse" => "",
"acquereur_pays" => "Italie",
"acquereur_prenom" => "Gian Enzo",
"acquereur_rue" => "",
"acquereur_tel" => "",
"acquereur_ville" => "Turin",
"adresse_ou_rendre_oeuvre" => "",
"annee_debut" => "1972",
"annee_fin" => "",
"autres_villes_expo_itinerante" => "",
"avec_lassistance_de_1" => "",
"base_donnees_expo_id" => "4603",
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"code_postal_ville_pays" => "",
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"commission_du_depositaire" => "",
"continent" => "Europe",
"copyright_photo" => "",
"d_un_avertissement" => "",
"d_un_certificat_d_acquisition" => "",
"d_une_fiche_technique" => "",
"daniel_buren_21_rue_de_navarin_75009_paris" => "",
"daniel_buren_ou_de_ses_ayants_droit_jusqua" => "",
"datation_par_avertissement" => "",
"datation_par_photo" => "",
"date_du_depot_initial" => "",
"date_et_signature_du_depositaire" => "",
"date_oeuvre_1occurence_bad" => "0000-00-00",
"date_oeuvre_1occurence" => "1972-04-14",
"date_oeuvre_calculee" => "",
"date_oeuvre_reinterpretation" => "1972-04-14",
"date_signature_acquereur" => "",
"datee" => "",
"depositaire_nom" => "",
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"depot_consenti_jusqu_au" => "",
"depot_consenti_le" => "",
"depot_renouvele_le" => "",
"depots_successifs" => " Expo galleria 1000Eventi en janvier 2008
221.000 €",
"description_originales_notes_diverses" => "",
"don_de_l_artiste" => "",
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"email_depositaire" => "",
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"expositions" => "2008 Milan",
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"localisation" => "Chez l'acquéreur",
"mode_d_emploi" => "",
"mois_annee_fin" => "",
"montant_ht_non_negociable_pour_daniel_buren" => "",
"montant_ttc_non_negociable_pour_daniel_buren" => "",
"n_cat_rais_oeuvres_exposees" => "",
"n_espace_stockage" => "",
"n_inv_galerie" => "",
"n_inv_musee_coll_publique" => "",
"nbre_caisse_s_" => "",
"nota" => "Fiche technique
“Avril 1972. Tissu rayé blanc et vert. Bandes eextrêmes recouvertes de peinture blanche recto/verso.
Sans châssis largeur 140,5, hauteur 149,5”. Mention manuscrite à l’encre bille: “ Sperone”.
Carnet p. 4, Gian Enzo Sperone :
“Avril 1972, FF (non entouré), blanc et vert, L. 140,5, H. 149,5”_________________________________________________
Ancien “ Certificat d’acquisition N°...”, daté du 14/04/1972
vérif Sperone liste",
"notes_avertissement" => "",
"numero_1965_ste_croix" => "",
"numerotation_1964" => "",
"numerotation_1966" => "",
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"prix_de_vente_public_conseille_ttc" => "",
"prix_ht_vente_ou_assurance_conseille" => "Prix conseilé en février 2008 :21.005 cm2 = 190.000 €",
"prix_net_ttc_a_payer_a_db_en_cas_de_vente_vol_deterioration" => "",
"prix_vendu" => "",
"prix_vente_edition" => "",
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"serie" => "Peinture sur toile",
"signature_de_daniel_buren_feuille_depot" => "",
"signee" => "",
"site" => "",
"t_11_1964_1966_dom_verifier" => "",
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"tome" => "T IV",
"tome_order" => "210",
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"tva_en_vigueur_a_ce_jour" => "",
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"v2" => "",
"villepays_calc" => "",
"is_active" => "0",
"typologie" => "",
"historique_base_non_publie" => "* 1972, 14 avril, Certificat d'acquisition n°, au nom de Gian Enzo Sperone, Turin, ré-établi avec Avertissement FF le 27.03.1973,
FF , Gian Enzo Sperone, Turin,
(Galleria1000 Eventi) Milan ?",
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"geo" => "48.856614, 2.3522219",
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"ArtworkLang" => array(
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"bibliographie" => "",
"collection" => "Gian Enzo Sperone, Turin, Italy",
"commande" => "",
"commissaire_projet_a_linitiative" => "",
"description_oeuvre_cat_rais" => "The last two white stripes at each edge are painted over with white paint on both the front and back sides.",
"dimensions_hxl" => "149.5 x 140.5 cm. (on unstretched canvas).",
"historique" => "• 1972, April, Gian Enzo Sperone, Turin, Italy",
"inscriptions_principales" => "",
"inscriptions_secondaires" => "",
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"mois" => "April",
"oeuvre_gallery" => "",
"pays" => "France",
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"realise" => "",
"technique" => "Eggshell white acrylic paint on cotton canvas woven in alternating white and green vertical stripes, each 8.7cm. (± 0.3), wide.",
"titre_oeuvre_original" => "Peinture acrylique blanc sur tissu rayé blanc et vert",
"titre_oeuvre_posterieur" => "",
"titre_traduit" => "White acrylic paint on white and green striped cloth",
"travail_in_situ_oeuvre" => "",
"ville" => "Paris",
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"with_id" => "1533 - Peinture acrylique blanc sur tissu rayé blanc et vert"
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"n_oeuvre_3" => "1523",
"n_oeuvre_4" => "1533",
"n_oeuvre_5" => "1772",
"n_oeuvre_6" => "",
"n_oeuvre_7" => "",
"n_oeuvre_8" => "",
"n_oeuvre_9" => "",
"n_ref_commentaire_1" => "E1656 - O51",
"n_ref_commentaire_10" => "E1656 - O",
"n_ref_commentaire_2" => "E1656 - O1053",
"n_ref_commentaire_3" => "E1656 - O1523",
"n_ref_commentaire_4" => "E1656 - O1533",
"n_ref_commentaire_5" => "E1656 - O1772",
"n_ref_commentaire_6" => "E1656 - O",
"n_ref_commentaire_7" => "E1656 - O",
"n_ref_commentaire_8" => "E1656 - O",
"n_ref_commentaire_9" => "E1656 - O",
"nombre_visiteurs_exposition" => "",
"nota" => "",
"notes_expo" => "",
"oeuvre_alias" => "",
"oeuvres_exposees" => "n° 1969-1772, Peinture acrylique blanche sur tissu rayé blanc et rouge, juin 1969
n° 1969-0051, Peinture acrylique blanche sur tissu rayé blanc et gris clair, octobre 1969
n° 1972-1523, Peinture acrylique blanc écru sur tissu rayé blanc et gris clair, mars 1972
n° 1972-1533, Peinture acrylique blanc sur tissu rayé blanc et vert, avril 1972,
n° 1975-1053, [Peinture en deux], juillet 1975",
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"type_lieu_exposition" => "Galerie",
"date_inform_debut_expo" => "2008-01-17",
"date_inform_fin_expo" => "2008-12-31",
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