T III 16
Des empreintes de pinceau n° 50 par Daniel Buren
Imprints of a #50 paint brush by Daniel Buren
December 4 1967
in "Daniel Buren, Olivier Mosset, Niele Toroni" – [Manifestation 5], 8, rue Montfaucon, (ex galerie J, directed by Jeanine Goldsmith, reopened on this occasion)
Group exhibition
Brush strokes of color on a white background.
100 x 100 cm (on stretcher).
Paris, France
In the exhibition, nine canvases, three per artist, each having painted his own and that of the two others.
Work, among the three completed by Daniel Buren for this exhibition: white canvas on which are placed, in a pattern of four strokes surrounding one, brush strokes in color by a #50 paint brush, each stroke 30 cm. apart from the others.
CollectionWork not located