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Exhibit: "Daniel Buren"

"Daniel Buren"

in Bulletin 40, edited by [gallery] Art & Project

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

June 2 1971

Exposition personnelle dans revue

Use of a bulletin as an exhibition space and as a means to publicize the rejection by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of "Peinture/Sculpture" [Painting/Sculpture] which was supposed to be displayed in the group exhibition "Guggenheim International Exhibition 1971", in February, 1971 and was pulled from the show at the request of several artists.

Juxtaposition of twelve photographs serving to document and illustrate the suspended painting as installed several hours before the exhibition opening before being taken down. Photo documentary of the installation as well as proof of the work in question, as the public had subsequently been deprived of viewing the piece. Use of this bulletin for the non-use, inversely, of the Bulletin 24, in June 1970, which, blank, was an informational bulletin on a work made invisible.


* Buren, Daniel : “Acrylic on cloth visible recto verso”, in Bulletin 40, Amsterdam : Art & Project Galerie , n° 40, printemps 1971, n.p., n. p., anglais

* Poinsot, Jean-Marc : [Sans titre], in Mail art / Communication à distance / Concept, Paris : : Cedic, collection 60+, novembre 1971, anglais, français, cit. n. p.

* Buren, Daniel : "Exposition–Position–Proposition (a) : Travaux faits entre Novembre 1965 et Mars 1972 et leur mode", in Documenta 5, Cassel : Documenta GmgH / Verlagsgruppe Bertelsmann GmbH / C. Bertelsmann Verlag, 1972, cit. A24, p. 17.31.

* Lippard, Lucy : “1971” [avec extrait repris de “Art & Project”, bulletin n° 40, Amsterdam, printemps 1971], in Six Years: The dematerialization of the art object from 1966 to 1972, New York : Praeger Publishers, 1973, anglais, cit. p. 245